Data availability

Ingrity’s expertise enabled a major banking client to eliminate disruptions in data delivery, preventing downstream business impacts.

Challenge At Hand

The client faced consistent performance issues with approximately 1800 ETL scripts developed using the Spark framework. These issues resulted in frequent breaches of service level agreements (SLAs) during batch execution. 

Delays in data availability had a detrimental effect on the client’s ability to track business performance, make strategic and tactical decisions, and feed downstream systems in a timely manner. 

Solution: Ingrity's Approach

To tackle this challenge, Ingrity devised an automated framework to identify inefficiencies in Spark ETL scripts. By analysing the scripts, we pinpointed areas for improvement such as script sequencing and code optimization. The comprehensive review of around 1800 scripts, along with improvement suggestions, was completed in less than three weeks, a significantly shorter timeframe than the initial estimation of 3 to 4 months. 

We provided a detailed report to the maintenance team, located offshore, outlining gaps in the client’s ETL framework, and offering recommendations for enhancement. Implementing these recommendations resulted in a substantial decrease in ETL failure rates. By conducting timely evaluations, we identified inefficiencies in data routines that could have potentially led to the failure of the entire data infrastructure.

Customer Benefits

As a result of our intervention, the client successfully eliminated SLA breaches and achieved timely information delivery to all stakeholders, including risk, operations, and management teams. The data operation support teams experienced a significant reduction in the time spent on supporting data delivery production runs. 

With improved data availability, the client gained enhanced operational efficiency and the ability to make informed decisions based on up-to-date information. This eliminated disruptions in their business processes, enabling seamless operations and preventing any negative impacts downstream. 

More Use Cases
Data Consulting

Infrastructure Review and Recommendations

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Data Strategy & Initiatives Roadmap

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Matrix Architecture for Executives (Insurance Claims)

Data Delivery

Real-time Data Streaming Framework Design

Data Delivery

Data Platform Migration to Cloud (AWS)

Data Delivery

Platform Migration (GCP)

Data Insights

Customer Attrition Model

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Data Analytics Support to Internal Audit

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Executive Dashboards

Data Operations

Cloud Cost Optimization

Data Operations

Data Analytics Managed Service

Data Insights

Gift Card analytics program