Real-time Data Streaming Framework Design

Ingrity enabled real-time decision-making through the implementation of an event-based data integration framework.

Challenge At Hand

Our client, one of the largest retail banks in Australia, faced operational challenges related to compliance with banking regulations, establishing fraud management best practices, and enhancing their credit risk capabilities. These challenges were compounded by the absence of established processes and capabilities to capture real-time data from their SaaS banking platform. 

Solution: Ingrity's Approach

Ingrity’s solution architects conducted a comprehensive assessment of the client’s current technology stack, focusing on Spark, and proposed a framework for streaming real-time data. The designed framework aimed to ingest real-time banking transactions into their big data platform. After receiving validation and approval from the client’s architectural team, the framework was successfully implemented. 

Customer Benefits

The implementation of real-time data integration delivered several benefits to our client: 

  1. Improved Decision-Making: With real-time data readily available, our client gained the ability to make informed decisions promptly. The availability of up-to-date information empowered them to respond quickly to changing circumstances and market dynamics. 
  2. Regulatory Compliance: The real-time data integration framework enabled our client to comply with banking regulations effectively. They could capture and process data in real-time, ensuring compliance with reporting requirements and mitigating potential risks. 
  3. Enhanced Customer Service: Real-time access to data allowed our client to provide superior customer service. They could respond promptly to customer inquiries, address concerns, and offer personalized experiences based on real-time insights. 

Furthermore, the implementation of real-time data ingestion positioned our client to become part of a wider consortium of open banking players. By gathering information from various financial services organizations, they could accurately assess a prospect’s creditworthiness and proactively contribute to combating financial crimes like money laundering and fraud. 

Ingrity’s solution transformed the client’s data capabilities, enabling them to make data-driven decisions in real-time, achieve regulatory compliance, and enhance customer service. The client experienced significant improvements in their operational efficiency and readiness to participate in the evolving open banking landscape.

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