IFRS 17 – Building Data Warehouse from Scratch

INGRITY revamped client’s reporting landscape to fast pace regulatory reporting and enable one click information delivery

Challenge At Hand

The client, one of the leading life insurance companies in Australia, was struggling to get a consolidated view of their business’s performance and contributions from their partners. Due to the dependency on manual processes, for fulfilling existing reporting needs, there was a massive lag in information delivery.

The business was also taking support from external consultants for their regulatory data processing needs.

Due to inefficiencies like manual interventions and having additional support coming from external consultants, the client was finding it difficult to meet the regulatory reporting timelines mandated by the regulator.

Solution: Ingrity's Approach

INGRITY helped the client in building a central warehouse which can consolidate data from all the client sources. The warehouse is first targeted at consolidating policy details including premium calculations, tracking policy stages, re-insurance premium calculations, partner performance etc. The team also studied the data processing rules used by the external consultants and embedded them in-to the data warehouse insight layers.  The solution is targeted to slowly consume underwriting and claims information too and becomes a single source of truth for the business

Customer Benefits

With the availability of central data warehouse system, the client begins to realize the following benefits:

  • All the regulatory reporting needs now being monitored on monthly basis before the quarterly submissions become due. The time to generate these monthly reports have reduced from 10 working days to 2 working days
  • Business now gets a consolidated view of self and partner performance as captured across sources into the data warehouse
  • The built of regulatory data processing rules into the warehouse is expected to remove the dependency on external consultants and deliver massive cost benefits
More Use Cases
Data Consulting

Infrastructure Review and Recommendations

Data Consulting

Data Strategy & Initiatives Roadmap

Data Consulting

Matrix Architecture for Executives (Insurance Claims)

Data Delivery

Real-time Data Streaming Framework Design

Data Delivery

Data Platform Migration to Cloud (AWS)

Data Delivery

Platform Migration (GCP)

Data Insights

Customer Attrition Model

Data Insights

Data Analytics Support to Internal Audit

Data Insights

Executive Dashboards

Data Operations

Data availability

Data Operations

Cloud Cost Optimization

Data Operations

Data Analytics Managed Service